Benefits of Reflexology

Benefits of Reflexology

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What Is Reflexology Good For?

Reflexology may help you feel less stressed, more relaxed, and more energised which as a result, helps you and your body feel better.

It is said to be the perfect complement to medical treatments that you may be having and is felt to be an ideal therapy for supporting and maintaining mental health and wellbeing

Reflexology is a low-risk therapy that is generally safe for most people however there are some contraindications or cautions to be aware of (see Reflexology side effects).

See how it can help you relax in this short video...

Restore and Bring Balance to Body and Mind

Reflexology is not a medical treatment, and reflexologists do not diagnose medical conditions. It is therefore not an alternative to medical treatments hence being it being termed complementary. Reflexologists are not licensed medical professionals and cannot diagnose a condition or give you medical advice. 

Reflexology is a therapeutic treatment which may help you relax and cope with the stress and anxiety that you may experience as part of having a diagnosis of cancer. It is anticipated that it will lift your mood and give a feeling of well-being and may help relieve pain due to the relaxation effects of reflexology.

I will take a full consultation prior to the day of your treatment by calling you at a suitable time for you and pre-arrange a date for your reflexology treatment. I will then with your agreement write to your Doctor/Specialist Consultant to obtain consent to treat you.
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Benefits of Reflexology

The benefits of reflexology are felt to achieve great results for several specific conditions and associated symptoms such as anticipatory anxiety relating to procedures such as surgery, pain during childbirth, emotional and physical symptoms caused by cancer and symptoms relating to conditions such as multiple sclerosis. 

Reflexology supports well-being, relaxation, improved sense of wellness, stress, pain relief, and maintaining general health.

The Top 10 Benefits of Reflexology Include:

  1. Increased energy levels 
  2. Nerve stimulation
  3. Promotion of homeostasis
  4. Reduced muscle and physical tension
  5. Postural improvement
  6. Lymphatic drainage
  7. Migraine and headache relief
  8. Improved circulation (blood flow)
  9. Hormonal influences
  10. Flushing out toxins from the body. Stimulating the energy flow along the reflex zones through the associated organs involved in detoxification. These include the liver, kidneys, and small and large intestines.

The therapeutic effects of having regular reflexology will aim to promote health and prevent illness.

Weekly sessions are recommended if you are new to reflexology for 4 to 6 weeks. Once I have established your needs and areas of focus, twice-monthly or monthly will help you to maintain improvements and continue the therapeutic effects of reflexology.

Some clients come for reflexology whenever they feel they need a re-set. There is no set rule as to how many treatments you need. I will discuss this during the initial consultation. 

Continuous Progress

I will work with you to achieve your desired goals, taking comprehensive baseline information from you initially to enable me to focus on specific reflexes that align to your body’s needs.

We will review this prior to every treatment to allow continual focus on your goals, specific reflex zones and evaluate your response to treatments.

If an issue or concern is discussed or identified as part of treatment, I will suggest or even refer you to someone else with your consent or suggest a different treatment.

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Carrying the Benefits of Reflexology Through to Normal Life

The benefits from your reflexology treatment should not stop once your treatment ends and you put your shoes back on.

I will provide you with aftercare advice to support and prolong the effects of your treatment and continue the therapeutic effects achieved. 

I will ask you to
drink plenty of water to help flush out any toxins released through the treatment and avoid caffeine and alcohol if you can. Gentle walks and exercise are recommended and eating little and often (a light meal) immediately after the treatment.

I also encourage self-techniques such as using solar plexus pressure on your hands, to support anxiety relief.

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Reflexology Side Effects

You should not experience any side effects from having a reflexology treatment however, you may feel tired for a couple of hours or tiredness can last for a couple of days and this is quite normal.

You may also experience reactions including skin rash, increased mucus, or diarrhoea. These reactions typically occur in the first 24-48 hours after your session.

Please contact me if you have any concerns after your treatment.

When Should Reflexology Be Avoided?

Clients with foot fractures, unhealed wounds, or active gout, a condition which causes inflammation and pain in the foot, should avoid reflexology. If you report any blood clotting issues, you should not have reflexology. Reflexology improves the circulation which could potentially move a clot towards the heart, lungs or the brain.

People with osteoarthritis that impacts the foot or ankle, or those with vascular disease of the legs or feet, should
consult with their healthcare provider before beginning reflexology on the feet.

People who suffer from hand conditions such as arthritis, should consult their General Practitioner (GP) or specialist healthcare provider prior to commencing reflexology on their hands.

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